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Experience the feeling of adventure

​The Air Cadets promote a practical interest in aviation and life skills such as leadership and teamwork

Join the largest Air Cadet organisation in the world

About Us

Here at 317 atc, we develop people for their future, we do this by providing them with hard and soft skills. Some of these skills apply to everything in life like teamwork and leadership, We also team things that are more specific such as flying or shooting.

Cam and Conceal
317 Drill for Passout Parade
Cadets shooting

What age can I join?

Can I join as staff?

Where is my nearest squadron?

Cadets infront of the 317 Spitfire

Interested in joining?


Flying & Gliding

We try to give every cadet the opportunity to fly at an AEF (Air Experience Flight) squadron or VGS (Volunteer Glider Squadron). Some cadets will have to opportunity to fly solo before they can drive a car.

Cadet in a Gliding Flight Simulator


Ceremonial Drill

At 317 Squadron we value our standards, Drill allows us to train our cadets with teamwork and leadership skills. We have won many drill competitions at corps and regional levels.


Duke of Edinburgh

This award challenges cadets by taking them into the outdoors to survive and navigate for up to 4 days. You will also get to learn new skills, train yourself physically and volunteer within the community.


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